Lecture Series on Research Ethics and Plagiarism

On 22nd September 2023, the Central Library successfully conducted a Guidance Lecture on “Research Ethics and Plagiarism” at Conference Hall, Department of Business Administration, Tezpur University.

Dr. Gautam Kumar Sarma, Dy. Librarian extends his warm greeting to all the participants for their presence in this programme.

He delivers an informative deliberation about Levels of Plagiarism as specified under the UGC regulation, 2018 for the promotion of academic integrity, and to prevent any kind of misconduct in research. To make it more convenient to the participants, he shows that plagiarism is not only restrict to academic writing but also exists in different areas like song, music, script writing, audio/visual content, patents etc. He emphasizes that in academic writing proper “Credit” must be given to the author(s) which also helps in to prevent plagiarism by adopting different citation styles such as APA, MLA, Chicago, IEEE etc.

Furthers, he discussed some of the key-points which should keep-in-mind while writing research papers to explain the motto of having Research Ethics such as Skin-color discrimination, Gender-biasness and other similar words which might be offensive to a specific community, organisations, and individuals etc. The participants were also encouraged to utilize the library resources and services which help to cater their academic requirements.

At the end of the session, an interactive Q&A session was also conducted to resolve the queries related to research ethics. Furthermore, it was assured to the participants that library can also be utilize in research management software, plagiarism detection tools and any other research related queries under the “Research Support Service”.

The programme was successfully coordinated by Mr. Sourav Kumar Mohanta, and a vote of appreciation was given by Dr. Gautam Kumar Sharma, Deputy Librarian to Dr. Tridib R Sarma, Head of the Business Administration Department for encouraging the event along with faculty members and the participants.

A total number of 38 students and research scholars participated in the programme.