
The Central Library of Tezpur University annually subscribes to various e-resources and online databases, including full-text e-journals, to support the academic and research community. These can be accessed directly via the Tezpur University Campus Network or remotely. Along with thateShodhSindhu and the DeLCON (Archival Access) consortium also provide important full-text e-journals and databases

Update: Under the "One Nation One Subscription (ONOS) scheme by the Government of India, access to thousands of e-journals/databases from 30 major international journal publishers is being provided to Tezpur University.

Below, you will find all the information about e-resources and databases that are under the ONOS scheme, Consortium and Self-subscription, and also how to access them. Use the links to directly access the providers/publishers' websites for accessing the full-text or statistical databases. You can also directly visit the ONOS Discovery portal for seamless access to full-text e-journals and databases.

Use of the e-resources and databases is subject to the license agreements that Tezpur University signs with the e-resource providers - please ensure you also read the guidelines for fair use of e-resources.

If you have any queries, please write us at library@tezu.ernet.in.

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